1) The Farmer’s Market. This morning I got my cheese fix from the Upper Canada Cheese Company, stopped and chatted with Leslie the Librarian and ex-candidate Peter Haight, and then ran into Les from Nero’s Fiddle, thus saving me a phone call. And I can do this every weekend!
2) Waldie’s Blacksmith Shop. Yes, we have our very own working blacksmith’s shop, which aside from a 30 year hiatus at the end of the last century has been in continuous operation since before the town was incorporated. The Waldies still live next door. How cool is that?
3) Milton Steam Era. Steam enthusiasts come from all over the country to show off their babies, camping out in trailers and RVs that ring the Fairgrounds, which is all of two blocks from my house. Once a year I get to listen to steam whistles and watch unbelievably old tractors chug past my front door on their way to the site.
I love this town.
Edit: And here was the scene right in front of my house later in the day. There was apparently some sort of delay on the way to the parade.
I hope you can make it to the steam show again. Find the steam engine guy with the tilley hat and he might be able to give you and your friends/family ride.